Mercat Shopping Centre, Kirkcaldy

Mercat Shopping Centre, Kirkcaldy

Located in Kirkcaldy with a population of 51,000, Mercat Shopping Centre has a range of national and local retailers which include TK Maxx, Home Bargains, Poundland and Boots. It serves a shopper catchment of around 285,000 within a 30 minute drive of the centre with adequate transport links such as multiple carparks and a large bus station all within 5 minutes walking distance. In total, the centre provides 205,000 square feet of retail space.

Beacon Brooke

Beacon Brooke Leasing Agent
Alistair Watt
M: 07563 383 317
T: 0141 648 5260

Mercat Shopping Centre, Kirkcaldy
Mercat Shopping Centre, Kirkcaldy
Mercat Shopping Centre, Kirkcaldy